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Multipler cleaning

Is it that bad?
Nope, as @Kine262 said, seen worse. There’s a few reels in my shed that are approaching yours, not as bad, but I know the internals are pretty decent as they get stripped and cleaned occasionally.

Totally agree with the rinse, toothbrush scrub and drain and air dry regime, but I freely admit I don’t do it as often as I should.
To be fair, no, I haven't done any proper servicing at all, it's something I have to really up my game on. Is it hard to do? I look at all the screws and think how will I be able to put it all back together, properly
Start with a clean flat surface & put all the bits down in order, just reverse the order to rebuild.

After every trip I stand the rods & reels against a wall & hose them off with the nozzle set as a fine spray (not a full power jet)
wipe off with a towel & leave somewhere to air dry.
That's been thrown in the tackle box at the beach & left there.

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