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Low cost Chinese fishing reels and other equipment

Pointless contraption, ice fishing when I went either used a 2ft rod and a coffee grinder (fixed spool) reel. The Inuits drilled 2 holes through the ice about 50yds apart and long lined for catching fish.
Lol, there is a 10 hole option available too?! Bonkers.

Seen the long line technique in a programme.
Lol, there is a 10 hole option available too?! Bonkers.

Seen the long line technique in a programme.
I had blast jackets, gloves, boots etc good for -65c. Still got really cold though in the Yukon ice fishing.
A thing I think about now and again is the manufacturer of the top rods, whilst they are built over here, where is the Carbon cloth sourced ? Apparently there are only a small number of carbon manufacturers, and if the most competitively priced carbon cloth comes from the far East it would make sense to purchase it, even through a middle man that may be based in Europe/USA, now if the top rods used this carbon, and given that they also use components like rings, shrinktube etc already from the far East would this make them far Eastern rods ?
I know some will say it's an inferior Carbon (which I don't think is the case as you just purchase the standard of Carbon you require, Toray etc) Just a thought !!
I wonder where McClaren buy theirs from for the F1 cars.
Oh yes. Qualified IT tech so I'm switched on when it comes to polishing WIndows & keeping things locked down! Never saw a single Ad over on the 'other side' !! ???
A Free Ad Blocker then? :LOL:
A Free Ad Blocker then? :LOL:

2, plus Facebook tracking cookie blocker and other add-ons for Firefox, and Malwarebytes constantly checking for Trojans and other nasties!
One of the reasons I dumped all these tracking sites including face ache

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