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Sharpening a knife

Hitler Youth ??‍♂️
I did come across some of them whilst googling for info, but most of them had a straighter top edge to the blade, and a Swastika on the handle. I don't think a kinfe from that era would have been marked Inox either?
I also came across this one, which is believed connected to the Scout movement in Flanders Belgium - similar knife (though an ornate sheath) but the shield/logo is different.

This thread reminded me about a Bowie style Knife I have. I found it in the boot of a scrapped car about 45 years ago, and used to carry it on my belt when working on the farm for cutting Straw bale strings etc. I wouldn't dare take it outside the house now. I can't read the markings on the blade other than 'Inox' but it sharpens up like a razor blade and holds it's edge well. I've often wondered whether the Crest on it has any significance.

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Inox, possibly Victorinox however I can't find any reference to that particular badge.
Cheers to @Mr Fish This little beauty turned up earlier and I have now sharpened all four fishing knives as well as a few in home. It’s a fantastic little gadget and has put razor sharp edges onto all of the knives with no effort whatsoever. The instructions say to make three passes with each knife but two did it easily.

For 8 quid even if it only lasts one year it will be well worth it!

Got to watch I don’t cut myself now.
Inox, possibly Victorinox however I can't find any reference to that particular badge.
There is something engraved on a line above 'Inox' which I can't read. I'll have another look with a strong light & magnifying glass.
Cheers to @Mr Fish This little beauty turned up earlier and I have now sharpened all four fishing knives as well as a few in home. It’s a fantastic little gadget and has put razor sharp edges onto all of the knives with no effort whatsoever. The instructions say to make three passes with each knife but two did it easily.

For 8 quid even if it only lasts one year it will be well worth it!

Got to watch I don’t cut myself now.
No no, you’re doing it wrong! You’ve got to spend three hours stropping with steel, stone, leather strap, silk and then finally a wisp of cobweb, otherwise it’s cheating!
I have only ever used a leather strop to keep an edge on my fillet knives.

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