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Sharpening a knife

Well I nearly hit the button and bought one of those AnySharp thingies @Mr Fish mentioned, but I was curious as to where they are manufactured. I thought it was a British product. Looks like China. I'll pass.
Ah, six billion Chinese can’t be Wong ??‍♂️
My filleting knife is a hollow ground blade..so should only be sharpened on one side..sent it to the butcher to get sharpened but even he struggled.
Well I nearly hit the button and bought one of those AnySharp thingies @Mr Fish mentioned, but I was curious as to where they are manufactured. I thought it was a British product. Looks like China. I'll pass.
Tbh I bought mine over the counter in a local kitchenware shop several years ago.
They had more expensive knife sharpening gadgets but that was recommended as a good mid range one.

Didn’t even think to ask where it was made. I don’t usually ??‍♂️
You need one of these babies .. perfect for most blade shapes and quality.. aggressive sharpening so don’t use it on your £200 custom knife though .

If you have a bench grinder cut, very accurately and circle of 22mm mdf board and mount it on the grinder. Once you have yourself a half decent edge on the knife the load the edge of the mdf with various grades of cutting compound and polish the edge to a razor sharp edge... seen it on youtube and have to say looked very impressive. I have to say I use a rather cheap diamond steel and it works very well.
The white leather type wheel with compounds does same thing
Best cheap knife I've had is a wooden handled folding opinel!!!! Can get them razor sharp!!!!!!! Don't know the legality of the now? But who gives a shyte!
They are lock knifes so you'd need a good reason to carry one. They are good enough knifes though
Tbh I bought mine over the counter in a local kitchenware shop several years ago.
They had more expensive knife sharpening gadgets but that was recommended as a good mid range one.

Didn’t even think to ask where it was made. I don’t usually ??‍♂️
I saw that Will had picked one up for a reasonable £8 on eBay so went looking. A lot of the AnySharp ones are listed as "unbranded" when you read the small print, which led me off down a Wabbit hole to find out where they are made.
This thread reminded me about a Bowie style Knife I have. I found it in the boot of a scrapped car about 45 years ago, and used to carry it on my belt when working on the farm for cutting Straw bale strings etc. I wouldn't dare take it outside the house now. I can't read the markings on the blade other than 'Inox' but it sharpens up like a razor blade and holds it's edge well. I've often wondered whether the Crest on it has any significance.

This thread reminded me about a Bowie style Knife I have. I found it in the boot of a scrapped car about 45 years ago, and used to carry it on my belt when working on the farm for cutting Straw bale strings etc. I wouldn't dare take it outside the house now. I can't read the markings on the blade other than 'Inox' but it sharpens up like a razor blade and holds it's edge well. I've often wondered whether the Crest on it has any significance.

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Hitler Youth ??‍♂️

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