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Ian Golds Tripods.

The Golds are very good, last for years and also have the benefit of being light.
The only bits that can break down are the few plastic parts, but you can buy replacements and it’s not as if they break every couple of years.

Where Mike and I live, most of our fishing is pretty mobile so we don’t want to be going on long hikes with the heavier tripods if we can avoid it!
Bit different for me - I can't do uneven ground or long hikes anyway. ??
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apparently, there container loads of ian golds stuff sat at the port, awaiting clearance, and has been for months

thats what i was informed last week whilst on the hunt for a 7ft tripod!!

sticking with me shakey salt for now by the looks of it, but saying that, ive yet to have it on its arse like ive seen many times with lightweight ones :)
Thank you mate at least you have given me some idea of whats happening.

Gonna give it a bit then and cope with my bent and worn out old one and keep my eyes pealed for new stock when its distributed and available to buy.
Thank you mate at least you have given me some idea of whats happening.

Gonna give it a bit then and cope with my bent and worn out old one and keep my eyes pealed for new stock when its distributed and available to buy.
Somebody did say months ago that there was around 20,000 containers backed up at Felixstowe, awaiting Customs clearance. Fishing tackle stocks were running low or running out for lots of products - I couldn't get a new Penn reel anywhere, and 2nd hand ones were therefore fetching stupid money. I would have thought (or hoped) the situation would have improved by now. Good luck anyway.
Thank you mate at least you have given me some idea of whats happening.

Gonna give it a bit then and cope with my bent and worn out old one and keep my eyes pealed for new stock when its distributed and available to buy.
You don’t want my (somewhat) used one for £300 then mate?

You’d have to wait until I could buy a new one anyway ?
icking with me shakey salt for now by the looks of it, but saying that, ive yet to have it on its arse like ive seen many times with lightweight ones
Got the same tripod but only use it when i cant get my sand spike into the ground like rocks or concrete . Seen a lot of rods go over with hounds with anglers using tripods .
Possibly because they don’t set their drag?
Agree but still prefer a sand spike ive had hounds over 20lb and no rod going into the sea , strangely the Aussies and South Africans who fish for far bigger fish than what we do wont use tripods.
Agree but still prefer a sand spike ive had hounds over 20lb and no rod going into the sea , strangely the Aussies and South Africans who fish for far bigger fish than what we do wont use tripods.
Yea they’re not bad things to have but my fishing is I’d say 50/50 beach and rock, so a tripod covers all the bases.

And with the multis on ratchet I can move quickly back up the beach as the tide floods
.Infact for that I'd deliver it myself.

Ah, but he can have mine for 299.98, free postage and I’ll personally sign the tripod ?
Can't beat the personal touch.I'd also sign it for him and give him a Certificate of Authenticity.?(y)? And as an offer of Good Will would knock it down to 290.00.

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