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Fishing... inexpensive sport?

To get you going you can do it easily for under£100.
It’s once you get addicted/afflicted then you can make it as expensive as you want really.
You go from catching sticklebacks as a kid with a bent pin to catching halibut in Norway and chucking money at boats?
Most of my good gear is second hand and only really need to buy terminal stuff nowadays.
So really for me now it’s relatively cheap compared to my mates who shoot/trials/motorcross/rally/horses!
So it can be cheap?
I've got them still in the bottom of my bag lol B8.M8 do a better job especially for the softer baits
I use a v shaped tent peg with a nick in it ?way cheaper than a b8m8.
Think go outdoors is the cheapest or I use bent bike spoke baitloaders?
I does mount up when you do many types of fishing, Beach, Boat, freshwater lochs, spinning, fly fishing and my list goes on. Some mates only fish for one species like Carp or Pike.
I won't mention the fly tying gear either.????
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once youv got quality rods and reels I think the 'running costs' can be fairly cheap if u keep it cheap ...few hooks each trip on clean ground and digging bait...or as much as you'd like to spend on new fancy bits of kit etc .. that's the beauty of it really anyone can have a go .
most expensive things for me is my club tickets each year for lakes 500 plus but for sea fishing nothing obviously

Ive spent a fair bit on upgrading tackle over the years, aswell as buying things that I didn't like or wasn't suited to what I wanted it for. But now I've got some rods and reels I like for most situations, I don't spend alot each year to keep fishing, probably more on bait than anything else really.

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