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Fishing... inexpensive sport?

I crap my self every time I go in my tackle shed and start adding up the costs ,30 top line rods 20+ quality reels ,boxes of bits n pieces, draws full of rig making bits ,then wet weather gear suits ,trolleys, beach buddy's, the list is endless
Similar here. Every time a little parcel comes through the door from eBay or the internet, I get "All this gear you keep buying, I just wish you would go fishing. Surely all you need is a rod and reel plus a few hooks and a weight". Wimmen.
Buying fishing gear and every thing that goes with it can be a very addictive hobby ive got every thing but for some reason i still spend loads of money :cry::LOL:?
I understand, it’s the “this will come in handy if I never need it” approach. ?
Buying fishing gear and every thing that goes with it can be a very addictive hobby ive got every thing but for some reason i still spend loads of money :cry::LOL:?
You're not kidding. Eleven rods and nine reels for a part time sea fisher is just the tip of the iceberg.
@Trampster you need a postie who is also a fisherman.... fishing items aren't put in our postbox ;)
Haha! Well I was working for Postman Pat before I got sick! Unless I really want something bigger, I try to keep all my fishing bits & pieces and rig bits purchases in large letter size, so I can hide them without SWMBO seeing them!
Buying fishing gear and every thing that goes with it can be a very addictive hobby ive got every thing but for some reason i still spend loads of money :cry::LOL:?
Agree. I keep finding things that would "come in useful"! Latest 'want' is some of this Fox Arma mesh. Someone mentioned Dave Barham recently, and I found his Youtube channel & his video about Arma Mesh. Looks interesting. Go forage some Mussels, chop up some Squid, Mackerel, or anything thing else the Fishys might like, put it all in an Arma mesh 'sausage', and freeze it down. The mesh helps protect the bait from Crabs and falling apart. Looks like a great idea. ??

You're not kidding. Eleven rods and nine reels for a part time sea fisher is just the tip of the iceberg.
I haven't actually counted, but my score must be about the same. Probably more reels than rods. I've just replaced the tip ring on a lightweight Edgar Sealey spinning rod, so that I can donate it to Grandson when the weather & Covid improves. That will be one less hanging around!
I've just bought one of these.....
One of the least expensive but looks like most useful tools. I have problems baiting up Pennnel rigs?..can never seem to get the first hook in the right place. This looks like it will cure my problem!
And less than a fiver!?
I've just bought one of these.....
One of the least expensive but looks like most useful tools. I have problems baiting up Pennnel rigs?..can never seem to get the first hook in the right place. This looks like it will cure my problem!
And less than a fiver!?
That's the first time I have watched a video and then immediately gone and bought the item afterwards!
I've just bought one of these.....
One of the least expensive but looks like most useful tools. I have problems baiting up Pennnel rigs?..can never seem to get the first hook in the right place. This looks like it will cure my problem!
And less than a fiver!?
That’s what I use whenever I fish, I’ve tried them all and that’s the best by far imo
Not sure the exact count on each, not a great lot, besides my fly tackle at home, all is in caravan, tackle is under one seat, rods are all over place, on shelf above bed, in boiler cupboard, at side of coat rack, on top of kitchen cupboard.
once youv got quality rods and reels I think the 'running costs' can be fairly cheap if u keep it cheap ...few hooks each trip on clean ground and digging bait...or as much as you'd like to spend on new fancy bits of kit etc .. that's the beauty of it really anyone can have a go .
most expensive things for me is my club tickets each year for lakes 500 plus but for sea fishing nothing obviously
Not sure the exact count on each, not a great lot, besides my fly tackle at home, all is in caravan, tackle is under one seat, rods are all over place, on shelf above bed, in boiler cupboard, at side of coat rack, on top of kitchen cupboard.
Oh god, the freshwater hear including fly gear I own is ridiculous!

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