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What are you?

Using bait on the big rods from the shore what are you?

  • Fixed spool user only

    Votes: 13 27.7%
  • Multiplier only

    Votes: 12 25.5%
  • Likes a bit of both Bi-reelist dependant on mood and venue?

    Votes: 22 46.8%

  • Total voters
Different casting action,probably releasing too soon.Don't suffer from that it goes where I want it to.(y):rolleyes:
I was more thinking that if you are casting a multi reel down you are steering the cast with the right hand and that is all it is doing. If you are casting with thd FS reel up you are steering with the right hand but also releasing the line and that little extra task might be putting the cast off?
Im an all round fisher so i use all reels except fly reels
multi reel down you are steering the cast with the right hand and that is all it is doing. If you are casting with thd FS reel up you are steering with the right hand but also releasing the line and that little extra task might be putting the cast off?
You are only doing the same with reel up, your right hand is still steering the cast.With reel down you have to co-ordinate release with your left thumb while pushing with your right arm.Reel up you are controlling both with your right arm.Simples.(y);) Same principle applies with FS.
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You are only doing the same with reel up your right hand is still steering the cast.With reel down you have to co-ordinate release with your left thumb while pushing with your right arm.Reel up you are controlling both with your right arm.Simples.(y);)
Which is the point I made, maybe it isn't so simple for wolf?

When using a salmon fly rod I loose a bit of steering if I relaese line with my top hand and not the lower hand.
Lets find out what we prefer by way of reel choice, so many questions but straight forward question to start.
I always use multies for bait fishing off the beach & boat RH wind. For Mullet a FS again RH Wind, trout & salmon a fly reel also RH wind. Suit me sir. ;)
I took on board what you said TDX133pm & you Thrasher,went down to my local beach for a practice with my FS ,I released later ,which I found hard to do at first,but it did straighten the cast up,I will need more practice,but THANKS for the advice.??
I started on fixed spool reels, then went over to multis. Then I had kids and gave up for a few years got rid of my gear. Then 20 years ago moved closer to the sea, started on fixed spool reels. I just found them expensive and not up to the job. I was going through around 4 reels a year, and at around £100 a pop. I was even mixing reel parts from broken reels. So I bit the bullet went back to multis, half the price, more robust, parts cheap and easily replaceable. It was dragging in many hundreds of thornies and congers that shortened the life of the fixed spool reels. I still think multis are much better value than fixed spool, you can pick up a second hand fathom for around 60 or 70 quid will last years! But a decent fixed spool can cost hundreds. I just use my reels as tools, they are certainly nothing to look at. I am thinking of buying a conti set up for pop up work on chesil, so am open to any suggestions!....
Hi squidword,sorry I can't help you with your problem,but I agree with what you said about fishing reels mate value for money wise

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