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You can buy the "pen sharpeners" from e-bay, tapered one end straight the other, I've had one for 20+ years, fantastic little tool.

There is no hard & fast rule for hooks/traces, change them when they need changing, might do 2-3 trips, might do 2-3 casts.

Also think before you dispose of them, I treat old traces like medical sharps, they get put in some sort of plastic tub/bottle with a lid,
when full I tape it closed & stick on a label that says "used fish hooks/sharps" because waste is still hand sorted in places.
I do similar with a small plastic box but just snip the hooks off and pop them in their, whilst the trace body goes back into a bucket for the components (or sometimes the whole trace) to be re-used.
I don't mean this disrespectfully Wolf, but if you don't think your used hooks are good enough for you to use again then why give them to a junior?
They are good enough to use again,when I was a junior the old guys passed their hooks they had used once to me & my mates, and I started passing my ones on when I became a adult,i've done it for years.Also if I see a junior using the wrong trace, when I'm fishing,I will always give them one or two of mine .
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Hi all
I was just wondering, how many uses would you get of a trace and hooks in particular? Is it common practice to replace the hooks and line after each use?
Me well I use my rigs many times I just check for nicks and bugged hooks and will often sharpen the hooks I don’t see the need to scrap each trace after using them unless a strap or doggie wreaks them

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