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Advice To strike or not to strike.

IVE got some Spiderwire in 64lb .35mm for some of the heaver ground we come across up here. Now i dont cast with out a braid leader of a 100lb but with nobody about i thought i would back cast it and give it some welly. Didnt crack off and went a hell of a long way. I,m not recommending any body else to try casting such a low diameter line with out a heavy leader but it just shows what can be done with modern low diameter braids .
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IVE got some Sipderwire in 64lb .35mm for some of the heaver ground we come across up here. Now i dont cast with out a braid leader of a 100lb but with nobody about i thought i would back cast it and give it some welly. Didnt crack off and went a hell of a long way. I,m not recommending any body else to try casting such a low diameter line with out a heavy leader but it just shows what can be done with modern low diameter braids .
Some of these typos and auto corrects amuse me more than they should ( and I'm guilty of them too).


You're not supposed to bleddy drink it! ???
I strike only if it's a big'ish bite ,if a gentle one I leave it for a couple of mins,then wind in a bit ,then leave it again for another couple of mins ,then reel in for a bait change,I've found that if I move the bait slightly after a gentle bite they tend to grab it ,hope this helps mate
cheers ?
Both I guess, as a soggy lump hanging off the hook won’t please me and won’t help the fish swallow it either
But it doesn’t have to be a saggy lump of worm does it? ? horses for ..,
I only use circles for close in bass fishing, and with a little ground baiting I’ve done ok with little 1 inch pieces of macky, they fish well on a circle
But it doesn’t have to be a saggy lump of worm does it? ? horses for ..,
I only use circles for close in bass fishing, and with a little ground baiting I’ve done ok with little 1 inch pieces of macky, they fish well on a circle
This is what I use for close in bass fishing ?

How did this become a Mono /Braid war??? ..... It will be the Mangle /Multi (proper man's reel) next ????

Anyway if my bites DONT strip line off the reel.... I wind like hell to tighten up slack and then lift the rod.

The bigger the hooks the more vigor I prob put in to this lifting.... Range would also increase this. I only really use braid on lure rods, or occasionally super rough ones... Then would lift gently.

However........ Never strike squid!..... Just slowly wind in ?
How did this become a Mono /Braid war??? ..... It will be the Mangle /Multi (proper man's reel) next ????

Anyway if my bites DONT strip line off the reel.... I wind like hell to tighten up slack and then lift the rod.

The bigger the hooks the more vigor I prob put in to this lifting.... Range would also increase this. I only really use braid on lure rods, or occasionally super rough ones... Then would lift gently.

However........ Never strike squid!..... Just slowly wind in ?
Pretty much what I do Si. Violent bites get a whack but it’s more a forceful lift into the fish with most bites, rather than a crazy whack.

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