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Advice Tip light?

What do you use, Tip light or tip tape?

  • Tip light

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • Tip tape anc torch

    Votes: 10 66.7%

  • Total voters
That would drive me up the wall.
I thought that, especially if there's a bit of a swell up, and the rod tips are moving all the time.
It was all the shop had as I was shopping local.

Interesting you say that though as I thought they were losing a bit already and I have not been out that much. It wasn't sonething I was aware of. Got four of the red buggers!
Orange gives the worst light.Red is always an odd colour to light has a higher powerdraw and different illumination to other colours
Another odd one is you can't anodise titanium Red comes out Pink but you can Aluminium but red fades quicker.
I used to love tilley lamps, that is all we ever used. But I do have a headlight although I have only ever used it on the lowest setting with tape on my tips.
My preference these days is a more modern lantern, a Vango Spectrum 530 using D type batteries which last days on a low setting and a week or more on the flickering candle setting. Smashing thing and doubles up around camp lighting up the immediate area and lights up rod tips without ruining your night vision.
The starlights come with a section of plastic tube, you can use bait elastic to whip the tube to the tip of the rod.

It will last longer if you seal it with varnish of some sort, I use cheap, Poundland, nail varnish that I use for adding sparkle to lures

tip light whipping.jpg
I have been taping the MK IV holders on to the rod and it doesn't last long so they twist around the rod tip after a while, so I am considering whipping them to my rod tips.
Good idea Thrasher ,I tape mine on ,but have been thinking of another way to put them on, didn't think of whipping them on
I have been, I maybe need fresh tape as I am not getting them tight.
Make sure you tape them on inside and with electrical tape that is from a warm roll, as it stretches much more when it is warm and then holds much tighter.
I tend to use tip tape and a head torch on red light, I worry about the line catching the tip light and snapping the tip!
Not had the line hang up, and may put Tourna's idea into practice with a little hot glue. If the Tip Light is on top of the rod, I can't see the line catching it from underneath (F/S) especially since the top rings on my Conti Rods are quite close together.
Not had the line hang up, and may put Tourna's idea into practice with a little hot glue. If the Tip Light is on top of the rod, I can't see the line catching it from underneath (F/S) especially since the top rings on my Conti Rods are quite close together.
I’ve had it happen to me a few times with conti rods especially if there’s a blow tip tape and head torch for me and if I ever bells on a rod I keep well away from that angler ad a mate buy some once first cast they rang all the way into the sea ???
well I am def betwixt and between what to do on the rods.
I've been using these off eBay I only clip the holder on when I need it I did leave the holder on but lost one with a hamfisted cast with wet hands and nearly chucked the whole lot in the drink so a lost clip was a result ?20220103_185729.jpg20220103_185811.jpg

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