I'm not sure I would call myself a collector, in that I don't go for particularly any type of stuff, but I started fishing in 1971 using some of my dad's gear and then went on to ask for fishing tackle for every birthday and Christmas ever since, as well as spending far too much of my own cash on new gear. I still have most of it, including my dad's stuff and my very first rod, an Oakley All Rounder 10'6" in blue! As I fly fish, coarse fish, specimen fish, beach fish and boat fish I have, as you can probably guess, a lot of gear! The garage is pretty full of stuff, as is the loft and just for good measure I have some in a wardrobe too. (The wife loves me!

I did have some stuff nicked once but just bought even more to replace it. I've also given some stuff away to mates when they have been looking for something specific, but the piles never seem to get smaller.