That looks like quite a good deal for a starter set up. It's got some good reviews too, but I am always wary of reviews on retailer's sites.
With the rod having a top casting weight of 150gms, I wouldn't go over a 5oz weight (140gms) - a 4oz would probably do you. It's what I use most of the time.
30Lb mono should be fine, but you
will need a shockleader. Using the rule I mentioned above, I would go with 60Lb.
I use 28Lb mono with a 60/70Lb shockleader. I did try a cheap Braid but couldn't get on with it on my beach reels, kept getting wind knots.
I've now got a better quality Braid, but haven't put it on a spare spool yet.
If you are in need of some fishing Rigs, our very own
@kevothefish will sort you out some quality rigs.
Give him a shout - he's got his own thread in the "tackle questions & reviews" section. His website is
Also our very own
@Dustybin is good for quantity fishing weights, but I usually only order a few at a time, and find this guy on eBay very good:
Shop eBay for great deals from qualityfishingweights!