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What type of Fishing Line do you use?

Wychwood DP line.35 on Fathom 15
Berkley in that flouro green .31 on fathom 12
Other 15 has rovex 10x ..35 until remove it plus it's not dia it say's.
Plain 12 had .30 suffix other mag 12 can't remember?

Aero Techs have Shimano Teriyaki .25'ish braid and some think .35 Rovex 10x? on spare spools.
Power Aeros have Daiwa J Braid Grand multi colour in around .25? 2nd spools have Berkley Fireline? 3rd have Aiwa shima and ? on (Debate as run out of Aiwa but have pro spec yellow or Berkley flouro green.
Someone on You tube Was saying don't use braid leaders as casting can snap the rod!? Only if a pile of poo most rods are snapped on casting if weights inside the Arc as over loads the tip.
Been using braid leaders a long time now and none of us have broken a rod.
They are full of horse :poop: then...
If the cast is that forceful on the rod and they snap it due to the lack of stretch in 7m of shockleader I'd suggest they are doing something very fundamentally wrong..... braid leader is the least of their worries...

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