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Show us yer pike

To be honest i wont fish for pike because more often than not the pike get injured when catching them / unhooking them tdx . Im not into getting hooks out from there gills ect .
Barbless hooks and not hanging about when you get a bite helps no end, don’t really suffer with any problems myself when fishing for them
Yep also using a single size 6/0 sea hook and tail hooking the bait will make it so much easier for you and the fish if u struggle unhooking trebles
Barbless hooks and not hanging about when you get a bite helps no end, don’t really suffer with any problems myself when fishing for them
Yep also using a single size 6/0 sea hook and tail hooking the bait will make it so much easier for you and the fish if u struggle unhooking trebles
Great tips there guys ! Any newcomer to pike angling need to learn the things you's both mention . Being quick to strike and not leaving the pike bung going to long and large single barbless hooks . Great info chaps (y)
Great tips there guys ! Any newcomer to pike angling need to learn the things you's both mention . Being quick to strike and not leaving the pike bung going to long and large single barbless hooks . Great info chaps (y)
Old pike angling books used to advise letting the pike take and run with a bait, waiting until it stopped, turned the bait in it’s mouth and then started to run again before the angler struck at any fish.
Thankfully this has now been proved to be completely unnecessary and just results in deep hooked fish that were often badly damaged during unhooking.
I have caught thousands of pike and I can’t remember ever losing one because of unhooking problems Joe. I don’t use trebles any longer, but do use two single hooks rigged pennel style if I am using a bigger deadbait.
I tend to use a single hook most of the time on small deadbaits and I strike as soon as I get a run. I miss the very occasional bite but much rather that than a deep hooked fish.
Old pike angling books used to advise letting the pike take and run with a bait, waiting until it stopped, turned the bait in it’s mouth and then started to run again before the angler struck at any fish.
Thankfully this has now been proved to be completely unnecessary and just results in deep hooked fish that were often badly damaged during unhooking.
I have caught thousands of pike and I can’t remember ever losing one because of unhooking problems Joe. I don’t use trebles any longer, but do use two single hooks rigged pennel style if I am using a bigger deadbait.
I tend to use a single hook most of the time on small deadbaits and I strike as soon as I get a run. I miss the very occasional bite but much rather that than a deep hooked fish.
Good practice kine!! . Theres alot i could learn from you and others on piking here. I have had some problems pikeing in the past , Very sadly a few pike never made it with the trebles stuck right down them when leaving them to take the bait for too long when fishing in ireland . Its put me off since then , i didnt want any more of that happen . If i was to deadbait for pike again , I would definatley take a different approach and not use trebles for sure . I bought some shallow diving lures some months back and i already have changed the trebles on them for size 4 barbless . Old books are not helping are they kine.
Old pike angling books used to advise letting the pike take and run with a bait, waiting until it stopped, turned the bait in it’s mouth and then started to run again before the angler struck at any fish.
Thankfully this has now been proved to be completely unnecessary and just results in deep hooked fish that were often badly damaged during unhooking.
I have caught thousands of pike and I can’t remember ever losing one because of unhooking problems Joe. I don’t use trebles any longer, but do use two single hooks rigged pennel style if I am using a bigger deadbait.
I tend to use a single hook most of the time on small deadbaits and I strike as soon as I get a run. I miss the very occasional bite but much rather that than a deep hooked fish.
Interesting points there chap, like you I remember when the practice of leaving the pike to stop and let them turn the bait round was widespread, not for me thank you. Your points on hooks has me thinking though, I also use a single hook for when I use small deads like sprats etc but other than that I use trebles but using a pennel style rig does sound logical. I was intending on doing some rigs tomorrow as now half term is coming to an end I will be concentrating more on bait fishing again,although still on the lures from the kayak, I’ll try some with singles and see how I get on, I’ll let you know the results.
Amazing camo on that one Mike

Some crackers there mate
To be Frank (see what I've done there?), The camo on this Pike is even better?:unsure:
When I used to go pike fishing ,I used a single hook on dead bait ,& a pennel rig on bigger baits,all barbless hooks,can't remember what size tho.??

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