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Lures for all

How no G?
I couldn’t decide whether the question was
1. Are there any sea fish one can target with lures?
2. Can you target every sea fish with lures?

but….having re read the thread title I’m guessing it’s No 2.

Having a quick think, I would say that most of the common shore caught fish could be caught on a lure of sorts even if that isn’t the recognised method of fishing for a particular species.
I’m now trying to think of a common shore caught species that absolutely couldn’t / wouldn’t be caught on a lure ……it’s making my brain hurt!
Replying to all so far. Yes my view is that in this instance I meant any to also act as all.
I’m interested because I imagine that you would alter the size, type and colour according to which fish you were targeting.
In general terms yes that would be correct, but if you were to fish a silver minnow metal lure you might catch bass, Pollock, cod, coalfish, mackerel, garfish with it depending on location and time of year.

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