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Lets argue

I am on my ipad now,so stick that in your pipe and smoke it! Anyway my conoflex cod rod still works,even though I snapped 6inch off the tip!
Well I have never been one to boast and I can say for sure if I snapped 6 inches of the tip of my rod it certainly wouldn’t work........
I am on my ipad now,so stick that in your pipe and smoke it! Anyway my conoflex cod rod still works,even though I snapped 6inch off the tip!
Eyepad, Eyepatch, whatever. Must mean you are only seeing half the picture! ????
Neither, Century are pretty good but are they worth the money they ask ? As for Zipplex, no way ! would never entertain them any more, plenty of good rods out there for half what they ask.
All down to what you want I guess.
If you are happy to pay the money knowing your rod was designed and manufactured in the UK for UK fishing, then Century/Zziplex/Harrison are the route you take.

If you don't care and are happy with a rod perhaps designed in the UK, but shipped out to the eastern Asian countries (Not Japan) for manufacture, then there are plenty of options there as well. AFAW springs to mind.

Like anything, you can buy Chinese and save a wedge, or you can go British. I am sure for fishing there will be very little in it.
All down to what you want I guess.
If you are happy to pay the money knowing your rod was designed and manufactured in the UK for UK fishing, then Century/Zziplex/Harrison are the route you take.

If you don't care and are happy with a rod perhaps designed in the UK, but shipped out to the eastern Asian countries (Not Japan) for manufacture, then there are plenty of options there as well. AFAW springs to mind.

Like anything, you can buy Chinese and save a wedge, or you can go British. I am sure for fishing there will be very little in it.
One thing to remember apart from the resale value of likes of Zziplex/Century/Conoflex/Harrison/Hardy/etc is that in X or Y even Z amount of years they will still be doing the Bizz while your cheaper Choogie clones will be if not snapped will be like a soggy stick of Rhubarb wobbling all over the place (5oz will get tip touching butt cap) Even No Fish Anywhere rods suffer it after a few years been noticed.

Ive three old rods Daiwa WKT still like was nice and stiff still.
Zippy Fed that was from when many wasn't here and many that was where still Pissing in there pants and terrorising there Mumma's nipples!.
Other is Century slammer Century said a budget rod! some budget! it was made when you arrived at shop with your pocket money then once finished wiping window with your snotty nose and dribbling came out with a package of blnk.rings and fittings with instructions to naff off and pester AN Other Normally likes of @stan m to build it! life was in black and White back then well Sea Mangler was. Yes bit softer in top end of tip i guess? but will still oike 8oz out a long way and 6oz further.Has a carbon outer wrap mid tip laid up when making blank.
So all those rods are still very capable of doing it yet newist would be 30 plus years old and take it down the beach with some of the pretenders that many mention and would most likely thrash there rears but also is still holding it's value!

Buy your Choogie rods next week think will sell as not right or Winky Whoo has brought out a new Bamboo Noodle rod and not only struggle to sell but take a massive hit on price.

So when look at a rod it's not just how pretty it is! but elements used to construct it!
Zziplex use expensive Carbon cloth that has to be right also resins along with Century who have big mitts in F1/Racing Tech.

While your Choogie Sourced rods could be made with recycled pubic hair from Various sources! along with last nights Noodle water for resin!
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Resale value of rods is not something to bother me. I've never sold any of my own rods, and still have my 1st rod, a Milbro beachcaster that my father bought me 45 years ago. It's on the list for some TLC and a set of new lined rings. My other 'older' rods are being tidied up as 'starter' rods for my Grandson when he's grown a bit more. The only Rods I've sold were part of a job lot I bought for £12 on eBay. There was 3 coarse rods, and they sold for a total of £35! I've still got the reels I wanted from the deal, plus 2 landing nets I'd forgotten about until now!
One thing to remember apart from the resale value of likes of Zziplex/Century/Conoflex/Harrison/Hardy/etc is that in X or Y even Z amount of years they will still be doing the Bizz while your cheaper Choogie clones will be if not snapped will be like a soggy stick of Rhubarb wobbling all over the place (5oz will get tip touching butt cap) Even No Fish Anywhere rods suffer it after a few years been noticed.

Ive three old rods Daiwa WKT still like was. Zippy Fed that was from many wasn't here and many that was where still Pissing in there pants and terrorising there Mumma's nipples! other is Century slammer Century said a budget rod! some budget! it was made when you arrived at shop with your pocket money then once finished wiping window with your snotty nose and dribbling came out with a package of blnk.rings and fittings with instructions to naff off and pester AN Other Normally likes of @stan m to build it! life was in black and White then well Sea Mangler was. Yes bit softer in top end of tip i guess? but will still oike 8oz out a long way and 6oz further.Has a carbon outer wrap mid tip laid up when making blank.
So all those rods are still very capable of doing it yet newist would be 30 plus years old and take it down the beach with some of the pretenders that many mention and would most likely thrash there rears but also is still holding it's value!

Buy your Choogie rods next week think will sell as not right or Winky Whoo has brought out a new Bamboo Noodle rod and not only struggle to sell but take a massive hit on price.

So when look at a rod it's not just how pretty it is! but elements used to construct it!
Zziplex use expensive Carbon cloth that has to be right also resins along with Century who have big mitts in F1/Racing Tech.

While your Choogie Sourced rods could be made with recycled pubic hair from Various sources! along with last nights Noodle water for resin!
Only understood half of wot you wrote there tourney but it was fecking funny lol ??????????????

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