Not sure about the Beach Buddy, but I can say from personal experience an Ian Golds Igloo beach shelter is arguably the worst bit of kit I ever bought, for starters after using one in a storm its like carrying a 6ft corpse wrapped in a plastic bag on the way back to the
car.When putting it up in a breeze its like controling a huge kite that wants to take off, and moving up and down the beach with the tide is a pain of a pleasure, the flaps that you are supposed to chuck sand on flap around like a flappy thing and chuck sand just everywhere, then when you get home and open it out to dry it there is enough trapped sand that suddenly wants to spread itself out like the beach it was last used on.
I sold mine after using ut 3 times, and was glad to see it go, swapped it for a TFG beach umbrella which in real terms has as much room , is no trouble to put up, is stable in the worst winds and takes up half the room .
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Put it up with the wind behind you , bung in a guy rope tied to a bag of sand buried in the sand and it will stop a gale.
To move just lift the flaps, one movement to drop the brolly and carry it up the beach, bury the bag, put the brolly up and you are set to go.
BTW, Thats Kilnsea beach at Spurn, the caravan site is behind the brolly. Good spot for Coddies and Whitings in Winter, Smoothies and Rays in Summer and always some flatties to be had.