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Not sure exactly when this was taken....early 70s maybe....but with the green glass rod I think from Woollies.
Ford Farm in Leominster, Herefordshire...went in a holiday there. Typical....wearing wellies in mid summer and feeding the minnows I caught to the cats ?20201012_163043.jpg
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Not sure exactly when this was taken....early 70s maybe....but with the green glass rod I think from Woollies.
Ford Farm in Leominster, Herefordshire...went in a holiday there. Typical....wearing wellies in mid summer and feeding the minnows I caught to the cats ?
Brilliant. And did you have those plastic sandals for the beach? I did ?
at that age I can remember the fishing days well funny how they stick in your mind my dad or uncle taking me on steetly jetty a private pier owned by the place they both worked split cane rod & scarborough reel they would cast out id reel-in and the seed was set
Always wanted to fish steetly but never got the chance☹️I was always at Seaham as the old man was a skipper dredging sea coal there.
Great childhood?
Ah good old Woolworths and their Winfield brand fishing tackle. Can’t understand how they went bust as I spent all my pocket money and earnings from my paper round on their fishing gear. ?
I was often in their local store buying records! I used to put them down on my self-employed tax returns as pens & stationery! ??
Not sure exactly when this was taken....early 70s maybe....but with the green glass rod I think from Woollies.
Ford Farm in Leominster, Herefordshire...went in a holiday there. Typical....wearing wellies in mid summer and feeding the minnows I caught to the cats ?View attachment 4602
Good lad! Gotta look after the Cats! ??
Not sure exactly when this was taken....early 70s maybe....but with the green glass rod I think from Woollies.
Ford Farm in Leominster, Herefordshire...went in a holiday there. Typical....wearing wellies in mid summer and feeding the minnows I caught to the cats ?View attachment 4602
Brilliant just brilliant! We all started out somewhere eh. I started out in my local burn with a bamboo cane a bit of mono and a bent pin. Progressed to a bamboo cane and a bit of mono and a hook! Great fun caught trout and scoffed them on a wee wood fire... bet there are houses on that bit of land now. We also used to go guddling for the trout in that burn used to get quite a few then they would be on the fire for scoffing :D

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