As title suggests wondering what everyone's regular tackle maintenance routines are? To be honest my startup gear that I've been using just comes out the car and straight into the cupboard where it stays until the next trip 
I've recently got some new fixed spool reels and hopefully soon to get a couple of better quality rods and would like to keep them in top notch condition. I'm thinking showering down rods and reels after a session to remove any salt and then a 6 monthly service on the reels. Will this be adequate to keep my new gear in great condition? Looking forward to hearing people's views

I've recently got some new fixed spool reels and hopefully soon to get a couple of better quality rods and would like to keep them in top notch condition. I'm thinking showering down rods and reels after a session to remove any salt and then a 6 monthly service on the reels. Will this be adequate to keep my new gear in great condition? Looking forward to hearing people's views