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Would you or have you bought anything on Aliexpress?

That’s it!go on and have a pop at us rednecks why don’t cha!!
Gonna round up the boys an come an whoop yo asses..................??????
Hows the moonshine brewing going? :ROFLMAO:
I have in the past but for my own reasons wouldn’t now, I’ll keep my money in this country thank you.
I don't live in the UK so I don't mind where they come from but if I was in the UK I would have no problem buying from abroad if the quality was any good... and what I have bought so far has been very good bang for buck.
I don't live in the UK so I don't mind where they come from but if I was in the UK I would have no problem buying from abroad if the quality was any good... and what I have bought so far has been very good bang for buck.
Each to their own chap, boring ol’ world if we were all the same eh

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