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Unjustified expense or worth every penny?

I need to confess before going any further that I am a tackle tart! Anything shiny or that looks like a well engineered bit of kit has me drooling at the mouth and reaching for my wallet but if I am honest, I have more fishing gear than a football team could use at any one time, but that hasn't stopped me from recently considering a new pair of rods for the beach. Unfortunately, due to a disability and the fact that the nearest bit of sea is just over a hundred miles away, I am only going to be using my beach rods once or twice a month and maybe a bit more at holiday time.

So, my question is, will a couple of mid range (£150ish) beach rods be more than good enough or can a couple of top of the range bits of shiny carbon be justified for an occasional angler?
Well if you have money to burn go for it, but do you need them for the fishing you do ------NO . Anything shiny ARE YOU A CROW OR A MAGPIE .
I need to confess before going any further that I am a tackle tart! Anything shiny or that looks like a well engineered bit of kit has me drooling at the mouth and reaching for my wallet but if I am honest, I have more fishing gear than a football team could use at any one time, but that hasn't stopped me from recently considering a new pair of rods for the beach. Unfortunately, due to a disability and the fact that the nearest bit of sea is just over a hundred miles away, I am only going to be using my beach rods once or twice a month and maybe a bit more at holiday time.

So, my question is, will a couple of mid range (£150ish) beach rods be more than good enough or can a couple of top of the range bits of shiny carbon be justified for an occasional angler?
I will keep this simple.

Go for it!!
money is for spending enjoy the benefits of having it yes a mid priced rod would do the job but would it give you the same amount of pleasure
We all know pleasure is what you make it.
if you've got it spend it or someone else will spend it for you
But spend it on something you need and not on a bit of bling that will hardly get used,waste of money tackle tart or not.If you don't get on with it and flog it you wont get all your money back.Someone like grinner?will snatch your hand off for your secondhand tackle,there's only one loser.Plenty on here who are willing to spend the money for you but it's not their money.Stick with what you have imo.(y)?
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Got Zippies, Century's AFAW's etc, really don't think there is much in it between a top end rod and a good middle of the road rod, both have performance beyond 99% of anglers, both have very good fittings, and very good finish, only difference I can see is the ridiculous price tag of some of the high end rods, pay upwards £200 for a rod and it will last you a long time and will give you as many memories as a high end rod, just won't have that look at me label !

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