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Reel maintenance

I give mine a good spray with WD40 ,let that drain away then oil them ,using 3 in 1 spray,I use it all the time

I leave my reels to dry for 24 hours in a warm place ,after using WD40,then oil them ,then they run fine

Did you forget you'd posted the first comment.(y):eek:
I’ve ordered some marine grade grease as the Penn stuff is sold out everywhere I looked and I’ve only got a little bit left. And then some of the brake cleaner mentioned earlier. Should do the trick
I always use lighter fuel to clean the reel first, soaking any bearings in a small lid full for 10 minutes before then drying off on a piece of paper towel, then I use a light oil in the bearings and Penn precision reel grease on the gears and mechanism.

I don’t like using WD40 unless I need to free a part because as Mr Fish has already said, it contains a solvent that dissolves grease and oil and isn’t easily cleaned off so may get into the bearings after I have reassembled the reel.
Anyone who knows me also knows I don’t service my reels. If they start misbehaving they’ll get a bit of oil in the bearings, but the only time they’ll get a wash is if they’ve been submerged. ?
I leave mine outside in the rain then spray them with three in one or wd40!!!
I always use lighter fuel to clean the reel first, soaking any bearings in a small lid full for 10 minutes before then drying off on a piece of paper towel, then I use a light oil in the bearings and Penn precision reel grease on the gears and mechanism.

I don’t like using WD40 unless I need to free a part because as Mr Fish has already said, it contains a solvent that dissolves grease and oil and isn’t easily cleaned off so may get into the bearings after I have reassembled the reel.
Something I found this weekend was the driveshaft on both reels seemed to have developed a burr either side, so I couldn’t get the various components off.
Had to gently file it down in the end before the various cogs and spacers would lift off.

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