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Norway tackle recommendations?


New member
Jan 26, 2025
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
Hi everyone

I'm heading to Lofoten in June and will be taking a small amount of gear with me - nothing heavy duty, just some lure fishing stuff (9ft Shimano 5-piece travel rod, 3500 reel, selection of lures). So it will just be some rock/shore lure fishing (plus maybe a few lakes/rivers too).

Can anyone recommend any particular types/brands/colours of lures? Or any other bits of tackle it would be worth taking? It's a holiday that will involve some fishing rather than a fishing holiday, so I won't be able to take tons of gear (I'd get into trouble if I tried that! ;)), so it would be good to try and make sure that what I do take is going to be useful.

From the shore, my other half Jax, does a fair bit of lure fishing in Trondheim fjord.
4" relax shads fished on 40 to 100g jig heads will work the bottom water.
Savage gear seekers the mid and upper water.
Thanks for the info (y) Think I need to top up my lure selection before I go 🥳
We don't take that many.
You won't need more than half a dozen seekers and maybe a dozen shads.
Id take 4 of each jig heads
It's a welcome from me slicendice73 (y)

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