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Lubricants for Reel maintenance.

I'd be worried using a small paintbrush to apply grease or oil, just in case a bristle came out of the brush without me noticing, as it could wrap around a spindle or work itself into a bearing. If I wanted to apply anything that sparingly I would use a small piece of plastic like a coffee stirrer to apply it.
Much better to use a decent brush ... if you do lose a bristle you won't ever notice it quite frankly. All a bit anal on here 🤣

For info the blue Penn grease is NOT what most would refer to as blue marine grease ... its thinner and a lot less tacky, ideal for the job quite frankly. If I could source it in big quantities at a sensible price I would use it in the workshop.

There has been a rash of "reel" greases appear from Singapore of late (a couple have tried to get me to buy in) but the prices are ridiculous for what are just off-the-shelf lubes "re-badged" so don't be drawn in unless you are happy to waste your money.
...For info the blue Penn grease is NOT what most would refer to as blue marine grease ... its thinner and a lot less tacky, ideal for the job quite frankly. If I could source it in big quantities at a sensible price I would use it in the workshop...
Got a reply from Daiwa UK - they don't use SLPW 104 grease in the UK, they said to use DRG1 grease instead, which looks like the Penn grease! :ROFLMAO:
Bearings I use red rocket oil as I don’t like flighty reels , inside the reels I use the grease in a little tub from blakdog and I use rocket liquid grease on my boat and fixed spools

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