Yeah, FG for me as well.
Tried all sorts of ways of tying it and get on best with holding the braid in my mouth and leader in hands.
Which way do others find best?
Yeah, FG for me as well.
Tried all sorts of ways of tying it and get on best with holding the braid in my mouth and leader in hands.
Which way do others find best?
For the FG I hold the braid by winding a doubled section (tag end) around my right hand little finger and have the leader in my left hand. I do prefer the PR bobbin knot thought, but it's just not that easy to achieve in a bobbin and rolling boat.
I make a loop in braid bout 12" then wrap loop around my thumb until the loop don't slip usually have bout 4" loop
I put the 2 fingers nearest them to open the loop
Now this is the serious part of tying the fg I put the flouro under my thigh keeping it really tight then I wrap around braid loop over then under I do this for 10 wraps
Still keeping the flouro tight I hold the knot at the wraps then i a half hitch with braid tag end around braid main line and flouro leader
This locks the knot then I tie a triple half hitch around main line and flouro trim the braid tag
The with the flouro tag I tie 1 half hitch around main line braid cut it leaving a 3/4mm stub then melt with lighter
I've successfully tied an FG knot a few times, but gave up with it. Too much hassle.
I just use a Uni knot, or double Uni knot now for joining lines, with the appropiate number of turns for the line thickness. Works for me.
FG knot for me. I use it for lure fishing (c20 lbs braid to fluoro) and for beach fishing (30 lbs braid to 60 lbs shock leader. They do need a bit of practice at first but you soon get used to tying them and i’ve not yet had one fail in use.
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