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Currently eel fishing

Like smoking better never to start but what is life without a little risk, I frequently sniff lightly soiled bait towels out of season🤠
Thought it was just me that did that.
It's nice to know I'm not alone.
Where do you store yours?
I hang mine up at the front of a lean to shelter so as they can get ever so damp in order to keep the scent active.
Thought it was just me that did that.
It's nice to know I'm not alone.
Where do you store yours?
I hang mine up at the front of a lean to shelter so as they can get ever so damp in order to keep the scent active.
After a cod quest with multiple wipes I only hoy tea towel in bucket of water and hang on line or on heating boiler and have numerous which get rotated, even now both in seat box and rucksack have towels folded and ready where fragrances still present.

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