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Currently eel fishing

I've seen the photos and know the lake.

I think I recognise the lake also but hard to tell from the photos I've seen. If it's where I think it is there are 3 lakes close together. 1 massive lake, 1 around a third of the size of the massive one and then a smaller lake around 1 sixth of the size of the massive one.
Just realised, that common was a new pb🙄
14lbs 4ozs
Up from 13lbs 14ozs. Mind you, that was a wild river common.
Thought we should see the Record Eel.


An eel caught by Steve Ricketts from a Southern stillwater earlier this month has been ratified as a British record by the British Record Fish Committee.

Steve's fish - weighing 11lb 3oz - beats by just one ounce Mr S Terry’s longest-standing current British coarse fish record of 11lb 2oz, from 1978
Thought we should see the Record Eel.

View attachment 66206

An eel caught by Steve Ricketts from a Southern stillwater earlier this month has been ratified as a British record by the British Record Fish Committee.

Steve's fish - weighing 11lb 3oz - beats by just one ounce Mr S Terry’s longest-standing current British coarse fish record of 11lb 2oz, from 1978
The girth on that Eel is unbelievable. It a seriously impressive fish 👏 Of all the British records that is the one I would most like to have 😃
New still water pb and a pb for me at the new lake.
6 tonight.
Lots of missed runs, but still striking early to avoid deep hooking.


Not the best photo but it's what it is!
New still water pb and a pb for me at the new lake.
6 tonight.
Lots of missed runs, but still striking early to avoid deep hooking.

View attachment 66491

Not the best photo but it's what it is!
I would never fish for stuff like that.

But would sit there and watch the angler all day.

Nice fish
New still water pb and a pb for me at the new lake.
6 tonight.
Lots of missed runs, but still striking early to avoid deep hooking.

View attachment 66491

Not the best photo but it's what it is!
Lovely fish Shirleycodlin, well done man 👏
Getting that balance between hitting runs and not deep hooking fish is always difficult but better to miss a few than deep hook them. I always tell myself the missed runs were bootlaces that couldn't get the bait in their tiny mouths, make me feel better 😆

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