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Currently carping

Had a 41lbs common in the autumn pb common, plus a 31 same session of 2 nights , fishing a lake I have been a member of since 5, this is a common that hasn't been recognised, definitely not at that weight anyway , lots of the fish in here don't come out for years ,there is kois and big commons I see most trips because of their colour or size in the clear water, there is out of bounds areas where you can climb and see clearly....not a massive lake either 15 acres, but hide they do , and never had one of the kois or commons in 28 years or heard of anyone catching one , but still see the same ones that I saw as a kid. Was a lovely misty morning 🌄 .
What a fight over 20 mins which is a real long time when in reality most are 5 mins or less even on larger fish .... which iv only ever had 1 similar before in France. It was not happy being hooked , thought would lose it at various times during the fight
To get my pb common from here meant a lot , there is day ticket lakes you can go and get 40s quite often now but purposely don't go them places so was happy with that 😊
Since then iv only been a couple times to other venues ,as still over the moon with it , been a long time goal despite getting close to the 40 mark lots of times , know its just a number but was annoying me and wanted one over it from a proper place . Made my fishing year
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Fantastic looking fish, well done (y)

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