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Crimp pliers

Nope I am not confused ABOUT its use I was confused how twisting a piece of wire round a line of mono would stay put and not slide down too easily. But I guess the Friction of the telephone wire on the mono is enough for purpose. Because with other stopper systems i know, it is either crimped or (like a nail knot) tied down tight into the mono. Twisting a piece of electrical wire round the mono just seemed odd to me as I have never seen ot done.
You just twist it around tight and it doesn't untwist if it is the correct type of wire. Plenty of friction to hold it in place. Easy to move and adjust on the beach
Try it and see Busanga. It's a grippy arrangement once twisted tight I can assure you - make your spiralled stops around an inch long, twist both ends tightly in opposite direction and it will not budge. It grips the mono hard. You can judge the amount of grip too if you want a stop that will slide under pressure - shorter lengths (half inch or less) of spiralled TW in combination with less tightening pressure
Hi guys any recommendations on a pair of crimping pliers
Many thanks
I use a pair of round nose Knippex pliers.Can be found new on eBay for reasonable money.Works well if you don’t crimp too hard.I also use ratchet crimpers for double barrel crimps


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