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Are you sure the bass stocks weren't just better? It's one of those things that probably need a multi-varied analysis to give a clear indication. I have been on the pier with 3 of us on j's and one on circles, there was one person who had a tiny catch volume vs the other 3, wasn't connecting (talking schoolies mostly). I think circles are much kinder and great for some species but, I trust them on bass about as much as I trust Joe Biden to remember his last sentence. :)
Are you fishing two rods in a tripod? or one rod in hand when bassing? As that may be where the secret lies.
On the tripod and in the hand.
Bottom j top circle.
Don't strike just wind.
99% hooked in the scissors on the circle.
I don't own any circles but interested to try them now so what would you guys recommend ? an all rounder to use as a top of a pennel for bass and hounds mainly ? semi circle or full? and brands please
I don't own any circles but interested to try them now so what would you guys recommend ? an all rounder to use as a top of a pennel for bass and hounds mainly ? semi circle or full? and brands please
The one in the picture is a Sakuma 440 size 2/0. https://www.sakuma.co.uk
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thanks i use the mantas mainly so will get their circles too
On the tripod and in the hand.
Bottom j top circle.
Don't strike just wind.
99% hooked in the scissors on the circle.

This guy on the pier was circles only, you're spreading your bets a bit, my wire traces are like that, circle on top and J on the bottom. That would put me in two minds when close in. Closer in I'd strike with J's but, I don't think it makes any odds at 100 yards or so out because of the effect on the rig trace being so far from the reel. Obv in many places our bass are by our feet, with the exceptions of reefs or other features. I would like to see a realtime study with the two side by side and doing exactly the same things, you'd have to take sea conditions into account too. All those bass in Dorset that just give us one bump and gone. Fishing rod in hand and striking a J has caught a lot of those. I can see some getting caught on the circles and perhaps those same one getting off J's but, I can also see a lot bumping a circle. It is an interesting one.
So conventional wisdom suggests you use circles only on the top of a pennel, but why then stick a j hook or chinnu on the end? I quite like circles, though they are difficult to push a bait, especially worm, around the bend. If you simply whip it on the line, then hook the top hook through to hold in place, no need to try to thread it. This way you are not trying to guess which hook the fish has taken, and whether you need to strike, or let it run and self hook.
It would be interesting to see how many have tried both methods, or do you just follow convention?

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