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Or put some on here bacon. I usually put the wires in the mould before pouring lead in.
The skm moulds take wires to create the holes, but you wouldn't get the mould apart with them in place. They have to be removed to extract the lead.

Mine aren't good enough for forum selling haha, the flash mark left from the pour I just nip off with a pair of wire cutters, bit untidy. They were made for mine and my bros use only really....had enough lead and wires/rollers/loops to make around 450 From memory.

Must have made around 200 I guess, will have to count how many still need wires.
I have the original Gemini mould but haven't used it for years.Also have the Splashdown mould brand new and 3 lots of fitments,can't see it ever being used.
image.jpgGood old dusty Had a 120 various sizes turn last week should keep me going for a few weeks at least ?my mate recently told me about a grip lead the boys up chesil are useing for the rays shaped a a bit like the old fox grip lead he recons apparently they don’t wobble or spinwhen casting be itresting to see them anyone know wot I’m on about but like a gripped bucket lead ?
View attachment 7700Good old dusty Had a 120 various sizes turn last week should keep me going for a few weeks at least ?my mate recently told me about a grip lead the boys up chesil are useing for the rays shaped a a bit like the old fox grip lead he recons apparently they don’t wobble or spinwhen casting be itresting to see them anyone know wot I’m on about but like a gripped bucket lead ?
It’s a pity dustybin isn’t on here as I used to get my leads of him

Can someone run the risk of a ban off WSF and send dusty a pm telling him about this site and to join ??
Perhaps you can explain it to me Tramp seeing as you find it funny.
Nah, I'll leave that to Tourno - I don't want to steal his thunder! ??

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