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Never use anything as heavy as @grinner. Rarely use anything over 4oz. Last batch I bought came from the Tackle stall in the local market. I was going to order some from Dustybin but it wasn't viable with the cost of the carriage for the small quantity I needed.
you'll end up like Beach he's been using the same sinker for 30 years ?
Maybe because I fish off sandy ground and never lose them unlike grinner who gets a crack off every 3rd cast :ROFLMAO: 15 all, your service
can have half a dozen of these that'll see you out?
I make my own from 2 - 4oz breakaway and plain, nice offer though :)(y)
Not something I ever see. Wouldn’t be cost effective for me to make them, easier just to buy a few here and there.
I have loads of scrap lead, one my neighbours is in the roofing business so get mine for free and give him a few made up leads as a swap.
I have never thought of having a favourite and just bought whatever was available in the shop I was in at the weight I wanted.

Bought a load from Dusty at the backend of last year, SKM with the almost embeded wire loop, not had the opportunity to use them yet.
I've got loads of 5 and 6oz skm leads sat needing wires adding, it's the most boring bit! haha, made about 30kg worth about 18months ago, then made the switch to braid.
I near enough stopped losing lead as soon as I made the switch.

Maybe I should flog a few on gumtree....
I've got loads of 5 and 6oz skm leads sat needing wires adding, it's the most boring bit! haha, made about 30kg worth about 18months ago. Need to stop using braid as I near enough stopped losing lead as soon as I made the switch.

Maybe I should flog a few on gumtree....
Or put some on here bacon. I usually put the wires in the mould before pouring lead in.
Or put some on here bacon. I usually put the wires in the mould before pouring lead in.
Be OK to sell them locally on Gumtree & avoid the postage, but I found with Dustybin, if you don't want a large quantity, the shipping makes it unviable due to the 'weight' - pun intended!

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