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Review ?

Agree.It was until I got Rheumatoid Arthritis.Bastard.(n):poop:
I also have arthritis, couldn't use a heavy fixed spool reel Penn 7000, so sold it on the other site. More than happy with my multies, used them since 70's although have newer ones nowadays.
My hands used to suffer the day after a fishing session, arthritis. It was either move from my 6000 size reels to something like a Fathom, better grip, or go to the fixed spools I already owned. I went fixed spool and use the Cannons with them, problem solved and no problems using braid plus faster retrieve. Have not used a Trigger so no idea which one is better but I have no problems with the index finger release on the Cannons.
I'm entirely opposite.Can use fixed spool but couldn't stop the spool on multi.
It's only practice td, as the lead drops rest your thumb on the spool to slow it down then no overruns or birds nests.
It's only practice td, as the lead drops rest your thumb on the spool to slow it down then no overruns or birds nests.
I can't see the bleddy lead from 300 yards away! ???
I love the FS trigger. I've had one whipped onto one of my rods and use tape on the others. Need to watch if the tape splits or comes away as it can trap the line and crack you off, but otherwise it feels almost as intuitive as a multiplier.
I love the FS trigger. I've had one whipped onto one of my rods and use tape on the others. Need to watch if the tape splits or comes away as it can trap the line and crack you off, but otherwise it feels almost as intuitive as a multiplier.
Yes, very intuitive.
I use multi's...... a couple of years ago I thought I'll try FS and a century 15' SRE, 70lb mono shockleader and 30lb braid.....I'll only need a couple of turns of insulating tape round first joint of my index finger...... wrong, very wrong.
I've gone back to multi's and sold the SRE ... but I think that was a bit hasty and down to my bad preparation....

Maybe a revisit is required once I am properly prepared and we can go fishing again....
I use multi's...... a couple of years ago I thought I'll try FS and a century 15' SRE, 70lb mono shockleader and 30lb braid.....I'll only need a couple of turns of insulating tape round first joint of my index finger...... wrong, very wrong.
I've gone back to multi's and sold the SRE ... but I think that was a bit hasty and down to my bad preparation....

Maybe a revisit is required once I am properly prepared and we can go fishing again....
I only use fixed spool reels up to 2000 size for mullet fishing with either a float or a very small weight 1/2 oz and a fairly long leader. Multies for everything sea/beach casting.
Right I may be being thick but I bought a breakaway cannon trigger few years back and don’t get it ??‍♀️Looked on YouTube for a vid to show how to use but chouldnt find anything useful can one of you beys explain to me in laymen’s terms how these things work as I feel like I’m missing a trick ere ??
Looked on YouTube for a vid to show how to use but chouldnt find anything useful
Plenty on there ma bute.Basically tape the Cannon to the rod above your bale arm ensuring the Cannon is facing downwards.Take a single turn around the Cannon with your line holding the Cannon with your finger to secure the line open the bale arm cast as normal and release Cannon at the right time during the cast.Failing this buy Dens version.

Here you go.I'll put some more links on to show you how to fit the Cannon.
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Loads of info on Youtube Tats - just put "Breakaway casting Cannon" in the search box. I've got a coupe of them & love 'em. ??

Right I may be being thick but I bought a breakaway cannon trigger few years back and don’t get it ??‍♀️Looked on YouTube for a vid to show how to use but chouldnt find anything useful can one of you beys explain to me in laymen’s terms how these things work as I feel like I’m missing a trick ere ??
Just use a multiplier then problem solved - simples Sergei ;)

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