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Nice job ?
I used to do my own but now tape my guides on or let someone else do it!
Are you going to whip each eye on with different colours?
Quality work Grinner! I love nicely built rods but have to say that after the initial thread and resin build I'll most often just tape replacements on if they're double foot guides. The fish don't care and you're back fishing in minutes if the worst happens. Easily done at the shore if you carry a few spares and some bagging tape. Also allows for quick adjustment of guide patterns if like me you like to fiddle around with reel up/down/FS/multi/braid/mono
no lol only the bottom two butt eyes are underwipped mainly just for show all black over feet apart from the top two either side of tip tape to help with bite detection stands out better in the dark
My cheapo rods TFGear Bass came with luminous tops. ;)

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