"The trio". I had a 32 ft charter boat back then I used to work part time, weekends, days off etc. I can assure you, having been part of it that the anglers caused much of the demise of Clyde
cod. Those three would launch from Cloch lighthouse, motor over to the Gantocks weed bank near the wreck, fill up their dinghy until there was hardly any freeboard, return, unload perhaps 1000lb of
cod to their mate with the van, go back out and do the same again. Sad part was there were possibly 20 or 30 boats all doinmg the same, day in and day out up to around 1974 when lo and behold the
cod started getting smaller as well as catches. Thousands of tons of breeding stock over a 4-5 year period. In all thast time I never saw a commercial except prawn boats further south. The pirks of the day, well there were many black cabs and cortinas` going around minus door handles. I made my own from lead filled chrome pipe with white feathers.