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Trout Fishing

My local pond is good but it’s only single fly which occasionally annoys me
My local pond is probably poached out being in the location it is in, wouldn't even try it unless I could fish it within a day of them stocking it! Unless theyve got heavy 24hr security!
My local pond is good but it’s only single fly which occasionally annoys me
I only fly fish with a single fly, it does need to try to match the hatch or whatever the trout are feeding on. I don't like washing line fishing.
Are worms and maggots still banned?
Depends where you are fishing, in my area; lakes and reservoirs are fly fishing only. Rivers you can use any method but most belong to angling societies.
Nonsense, I can almost guarantee that a proficient fly Fisher will out catch someone using maggots or worms particularly if the trout are switched on to the hatch.
Yep , depends what the trout are feeding on. I\/e freelined worms past many a trout preoccupied with something else
Depends where,when and for what reason you are fishing,cubes of luncheon meat baited up used to catch us loads of stocky rainbows!!!!!! Not proper sporting trout fishing!!!!!!
but I don't do trout fishing ??
I'm not going to pay for a days trout fishing ?? and not catch anything ? other than a COLD

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