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Sea Float Fishing Rods

That’s a good shout. I use an up tider sometimes for light touch ledgering for bass off the rocks. Could use anything, to be fair, but the uptider isn’t too long so easy to carry and light enough.
Did use my bass rod but need to get a new tip ring for it, lol, along with about eight other rods that need doing!
Yeah you have almost all options available when using an uptider or a bass rod agreed mrfish . You can instantly unclip the float off and throw a 5 oz rig out . You cant do that with carp rod can you mate . (y)
At my age will need a flashing light on the top. :cool:;):ROFLMAO:

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I do rather a lot of float fishing, especially at night for Estuary Bass, off breakwaters and harbour walls, where the Bass herd the sandeel against the structures, so made the above , I fish in complete darkness but the above floats work extremely well, cast well, and give off a really good light that can be seen at a good distance. Best fish so far to the above rig is a chunky seven pounder , but I am sure given the right circumstances that can be improved upon .

I use a beefy Shimano travel spin rod at 10 feet long,or a Bass rod, matched to a Shimano 3500 Baitrunner, and 15 lb mono.

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I do rather a lot of float fishing, especially at night for Estuary Bass, off breakwaters and harbour walls, where the Bass herd the sandeel against the structures, so made the above , I fish in complete darkness but the above floats work extremely well, cast well, and give off a really good light that can be seen at a good distance. Best fish so far to the above rig is a chunky seven pounder , but I am sure given the right circumstances that can be improved upon .

I use a beefy Shimano travel spin rod at 10 feet long,or a Bass rod, matched to a Shimano 3500 Baitrunner, and 15 lb mono.

Excellent, I have a couple similar but slightly larger. (y)

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