Quiver tip "weight" testing

The bottom line is, this is Talk SEA Fishing, and whilst some on here do participate in freshwater fishing, @Casker would be better asking his question on a more appropiate forum. 🤔🤔
I think that, given his prickly responses, he might find that people won't be rushing to help him. He seems very needy.
My medium/heavy Daiwa feeder rod has 24 inch quiver tips rated up to 3 Oz, that's the carp tip. Any more than that and it ceases to be a quiver tip. The guides fitted should give a clue to what kind of rod it is. If the butt ring is 30 mm or over then it's a carp rod which are not fitted with quiver tips. Sounds like a mislabelled, cobbled together bitsa but it did only cost 20 quid. Stick a 3 oz lead on it and give it a whack in a safe place but don't blame me if it explodes.
ummm, personally I’d have a wank, then go fishing 😇
I'm not going to try explain that to him(acceptable pronoun I hope)
" I have hung six ounces off the tip and it is still not bending 90 degrees from the horizontal.....I suspect my protractor might be wrong. It is quivering though"
I'm not going to try explain that to him(acceptable pronoun I hope)
" I have hung six ounces off the tip and it is still not bending 90 degrees from the horizontal.....I suspect my protractor might be wrong. It is quivering though"
I can't pin down the manufacturer spec's for my oldish 13' Daiwa Vertice freshwater ledger-type rod with fixed quiver tip ont' web. (Mentioned elsewhere; it's an un-used older fresh-water rod that I bought cheap with light saltwater bait-casting in mind given it's s/steel guides etc.)

So I've started testing and I'm a bit thrown by my quiver-tip test: even a 6oz weight has not "pulled" the Q-tip down to a 90 degree angle !
I haven't yet tried beyond 6oz because it just doesn't seem likely (from what I've read) that a f/water ledger rod's quiver tip will go beyond a 6oz test !

I've double-measured the weights used for the test: I've tested allowing for the full length of the fixed quiver tip section (2'5") and then with the quiver-tip fixed/pivoted at just 12" from the end-guide: a 6oz weight doesn't do it (90 degree tip angle) in either of those circumstances!
It just doesn't accord with any of my expectations - any thoughts please ?

[Edit: doesn't matter what use I might want to put it to - I'm just head-scratching at my tip-weight test result.]

Best I can offer is to ping over an email to daiwa UK for the information you require.

If you are successful, and I suspect you will be, as daiwa are a reputable manufacturer, please let the rest of us know 👍
I could offer a solution but he has said in the past he does not want my help as I`m so far up my own rear end:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Reap and sow springs to mind;););)

Only one man springs to mind with reap and sow

He says it better than me

I give up - the real dick-heads on here (you know who you are) show their dh-ness time and time again. Such a shame this forum has a certain retarded forum-mafia cohort !
(Any new members reading this might wish to note and re-consider ! To note, many of the retards lurk on other sea fishing forums !)
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I give up - the real dick-heads on here (you know who you are) show their dh-ness time and time again. Such a shame this forum has a certain retarded forum-mafia cohort !
(Any new members reading this might wish to note and re-consider !)
Good bye , you won't be missed.
I give up - the real dick-heads on here (you know who you are) show their dh-ness time and time again. Such a shame this forum has a certain retarded forum-mafia cohort !
(Any new members reading this might wish to note and re-consider !)
Show us the rod. We have given you thought and thought on the rod, numerous anglers with decades and decades of experience and you have just told us we are wrong. Just show us the rod if it exists
Show us the rod. We have given you thought and thought on the rod, numerous anglers with decades and decades of experience and you have just told us we are wrong. Just show us the rod if it exists
I think you will have to visit the fiction thread to see that.
I give up - the real dick-heads on here (you know who you are) show their dh-ness time and time again. Such a shame this forum has a certain retarded forum-mafia cohort !
(Any new members reading this might wish to note and re-consider ! To note, many of the retards lurk on other sea fishing forums !)
Any luck with daiwa UK?

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