15/09/21 haven't been out on a boat for ages and managed to snaffle a place with a mate out of Poole yesterday.
the plan was to catch some mackerel then go on the bass hunt.
local reports were that mackerel were fetching a higher price than bass at the market so confidence wasn't too high.
However steaming out we saw some birds working and dropped the feathers.
they came up 7 at a time with my mate pulling up a full string of checkers on one drop.
with a full live well it was off to the mark to fish the last of the ebb then anchor for bream or any other toothy things that were about.
We managed 3 bass on the ebb and were really confident about the flood later.
at anchor we had straps and some very lively huss that weren't keen on coming to the surface. then the bream started so scaled right down for them. Had 10 or so up to about 3 lb when my rod went into overdrive, after about 30 mins I managed to boat a very angry 20lbs plus tope it had my size 1 hook perfectly in the side jaw. (chuffed).
The flood came but with it came a a stiff breeze which spoiled the drift so we called it a day.
Fish caught were mackerel, bass, pout, poor cod, bull huss, lsd, tope, bream

the plan was to catch some mackerel then go on the bass hunt.
local reports were that mackerel were fetching a higher price than bass at the market so confidence wasn't too high.
However steaming out we saw some birds working and dropped the feathers.
they came up 7 at a time with my mate pulling up a full string of checkers on one drop.
with a full live well it was off to the mark to fish the last of the ebb then anchor for bream or any other toothy things that were about.
We managed 3 bass on the ebb and were really confident about the flood later.
at anchor we had straps and some very lively huss that weren't keen on coming to the surface. then the bream started so scaled right down for them. Had 10 or so up to about 3 lb when my rod went into overdrive, after about 30 mins I managed to boat a very angry 20lbs plus tope it had my size 1 hook perfectly in the side jaw. (chuffed).
The flood came but with it came a a stiff breeze which spoiled the drift so we called it a day.
Fish caught were mackerel, bass, pout, poor cod, bull huss, lsd, tope, bream