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Banging Huss bait ma Bute
I've no idea, I just read a piece identifying what looked like a 5 beard, as a Northern....and it did have much bigger head proportions....they did give ratios (head to body) between the 2 species, but I can't recount what they were now.Might that be another name for a torsk? Also a cod relative and also tasty although I've never seen one or eaten one myself.
That'll be a Cork(er) then.I caught it in sw Ireland.
The book Fishes of the Sea, N Atlantic and Med J & G Lythgoe says that the Northern Rockling has supplementary barbels fringing the upper jaw. The mouth is bigger and reaches back further.I believe there is actually also a 4th type of Rockling called a "Northern Rockling".....these look like 5 beards, but the head is proportionally bigger compared with the body than a 5 beard, and often mis identified as 5 beards according to a piece I read the other day.