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No bass again šŸ˜•but had funšŸ˜


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2020
Reaction score
County Durham
Favourite Fishing
Custard told me last night we would be looking after the grandson this weekend so my plan was feck off fishing. I went out earlier at 6 pm just to my local beach high water at 8.30pm. the sea was as flat as a witches tit just a ripple at the waters edge. So out came a patchinky thing and out it went within minutes the fecking seagulls were all over it šŸ¤¬ like a rash. So I put a savage gear shallow diver on this seemed to do the trick and the left it alone. I could see loads Gannett's about 500 hundred yards out, dive bombing the water which was amazing to watch they are like missiles.
So there was bait fish of some sort about after about half an hour I had my first take wahoo šŸ˜² not a bass
It was a mackerel and a good size too it gave me a hell of a fight on my lure rod, imagine if these things got to 5lb. So I moved further along the beach nothing for 20 minutes then another take another mackerel. I ended up with 5 all together and it was good fun and kept me busy.1000013525.jpgThe biggest one was 46cm a beastie. So still no bass but I'll keep trying. Back out again tomorrow I'm no good with kids šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£.
Nice catch mate, shame it wasn't the intended target, but better than nothing.. šŸŽ£ šŸŽ£

Tidy stuff. A decent size as well. Better eating too in my book. Shame no bass but they will be about if the baitfish are and with settled weather they will hang about. I'd fancy my chances tonight or tomorrow, first couple of hours of darkness
Nice one Stevie! I'd sooner have Mackerel than Bass - my favourite fish to eat! šŸŽ£šŸŽ£šŸ‘šŸ‘
Thatā€™s the trouble with surface lures Stevie, itā€™s my favourite form of lure fishing but you have to constantly be aware of the Terns and Gulls. Havnt hooked one yet but Iā€™ve had a couple of Gulls lift the lure out of the water.
I bought a couple of Patchinkos about four years ago, almost Ā£50! Yet to catch on them, yet the ā€˜expertsā€™ say no tackle box is complete without oneā€¦..so I bought two to be even better!
46cm is a big Mack nowadays, most seem to be 30 - 35cmā€¦..like a lot of things, they seem to have got smaller with time.
Thatā€™s the trouble with surface lures Stevie, itā€™s my favourite form of lure fishing but you have to constantly be aware of the Terns and Gulls. Havnt hooked one yet but Iā€™ve had a couple of Gulls lift the lure out of the water.
I bought a couple of Patchinkos about four years ago, almost Ā£50! Yet to catch on them, yet the ā€˜expertsā€™ say no tackle box is complete without oneā€¦..so I bought two to be even better!
46cm is a big Mack nowadays, most seem to be 30 - 35cmā€¦..like a lot of things, they seem to have got smaller with time.
I only really use them at night

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