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Hook Snood Strength & Colour

The Stronger the snood the better, & does colour of line matter. You can make 2 choices

  • As strong as possible

  • Breaking strain to suit the species

  • Different colours for different situations, yes

  • Different colours,no just stick with one

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80lb rig body (1360m spool sitting around lol)
general purpose: 30lb amnesia for snoods.
winter (cod) : 50lb snoods
toothy buggers: 100lb+ (depending on what im targeting)
I ahve diffeerent breaking strains and different colours, mostly because when I have bought locally I have bought what they had available and probably because I forgot what I had in the shed already. Mostly Amnesia funnily enough.
For codding I use 80 to 150Lb
Less tangles and cod are not line shy.
Are you after Marlin?
Nah, rays, hounds, eels, cod are my local species. I catch a few, they don't seem to mind 0.7-0.8mm snoods in our chocolate waters ?

If I'm after small stuff or clear water, then will use something to suit conditions..... For instance when lrfing I was using down to 4lb flouro ?
Nah, rays, hounds, eels, cod are my local species. I catch a few, they don't seem to mind 0.7-0.8mm snoods in our chocolate waters ?

If I'm after small stuff or clear water, then will use something to suit conditions..... For instance when lrfing I was using down to 4lb flouro ?
Perhaps move to Warwickshire and fish the Cadburys ponds :ROFLMAO:
I think lowering your line weight by a few lbs in sea fishing like you say would make a difference in the amount of bites you would get . Ive seen the difference in course fishing when fishing 2lb bottom compared to a 1lb pound bottom . You get far more delicate bites or more bites in general when fishing 1lb hooklengths compared to 2lb.
I think lowering your line weight by a few lbs in sea fishing like you say would make a difference in the amount of bites you would get . Ive seen the difference in course fishing when fishing 2lb bottom compared to a 1lb pound bottom . You get far more delicate bites or more bites in general when fishing 1lb hooklengths compared to 2lb.
We are sea fishing where the fish in most cases have not been caught before unlike the the fresh water fish who have. There again top match anglers do fish lighter for the smaller specious so there might be some thing in it.
what you tryna catch joecarp iv never found the need to go below 3lbs bottom even for shy roach and dace ..wouldn't go lower mainly because of the chance of a rogue chub or carp taking accidently which has happened !!!
what you tryna catch joecarp iv never found the need to go below 3lbs bottom even for shy roach and dace ..wouldn't go lower mainly because of the chance of a rogue chub or carp taking accidently which has happened !!!
or a monster "daddy ruffe" lol
or a monster "daddy ruffe" lol
haha that's what I was thinking ! me and my mate spotted some massive gudgeon at the same spot often and were convinced we could get a British record there and scales down to 2lbs trace once ... my friend had one an oz short of the record and we ain't been back should have a go again really
haha that's what I was thinking ! me and my mate spotted some massive gudgeon at the same spot often and were convinced we could get a British record there and scales down to 2lbs trace once ... my friend had one an oz short of the record and we ain't been back should have a go again really
Feed them up on pellets for a couple of months first
what you tryna catch joecarp iv never found the need to go below 3lbs bottom even for shy roach and dace ..wouldn't go lower mainly because of the chance of a rogue chub or carp taking accidently which has happened !!!

I was reffering to fish like Crucian carp that are quite finicky biters had1lost2 . When you go private fisherys that get matched alot . The fish there have seen every technique going . The lowest lb breaking strain line you can manage does make a difference in highly pressured venues like fisherys . But like you say you decrease your chances of catching bigger fish by fishing so light . (y)
Lightest I use is 15lb on snoods. have gone lighter at times but find things tangle up a lot more. Rays and huss I use 80 lb.
When I'm flattie bashing using my estuary rods with 12lb mono, I use 10lb flouro snoods on grey 40lb Greased Weasel rig body. Sometimes I use clear 15lb Amnesia instead, if the 10lb flouro is getting tangled.
When I'm using my Colmic rods on clean beaches, I use 12lb mono with grey 60lb Greased Weasel rig body, and 15lb clear Amnesia snoods.
When I'm using mixed ground rods I use 15lb mono, with grey 60lb Greased Weasel rig body and 20lb Amnesia snoods.
When using heavier ground rods, depending where I am, I use either 20lb or 25lb mono, with either 70lb or 80lb rig body and 30lb or 40lb clear Amnesia snoods.
I use 30lb mono with 100lb rig body, and 60lb or 80lb snoods if going for Conger Eels. That's usually down the Portland end of Chesil Beach though, it's well rocky down that end but there are some decent Congers.

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