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Heavy FS Reels?

Having used the Surfblasters today for their maiden outing I have to say what a great feeling reel they are in action.
Solidly built with a really smooth,quiet action. Line lay is perfect and I was using braid for the first time. No wind knots or tangles. Very powerful, it feels like it would be very easy to drag any large fish from the depths...so much better than any reel I've ever used before.
Very happy with them.
Just make sure you keep them out to dry ie not in bag and wipe with an anti corrosion fluid! i use ACF50 on my kit even tripod gets a treat as legs etc slide to extend
Surf/muff buster corrode badly esp on the handles one day looks ok next you think been robbed as handle missing but knob left on floor! lol
Line lays ok but they suffer if strain on them inside on levelwind pawl @blakdog will tell you!
Having used the Surfblasters today for their maiden outing I have to say what a great feeling reel they are in action.
Solidly built with a really smooth,quiet action. Line lay is perfect and I was using braid for the first time. No wind knots or tangles. Very powerful, it feels like it would be very easy to drag any large fish from the depths...so much better than any reel I've ever used before.
Very happy with them.
What did you catch?
Just make sure you keep them out to dry ie not in bag and wipe with an anti corrosion fluid! i use ACF50 on my kit even tripod gets a treat as legs etc slide to extend
Surf/muff buster corrode badly esp on the handles one day looks ok next you think been robbed as handle missing but knob left on floor! lol
Line lays ok but they suffer if strain on them inside on levelwind pawl @blakdog will tell you!
I don't put anything on my muff buster ??...no corrosion yet!

I'll have a look for the ACF50....a bit like WD40?
I use both multies and FS, depends how I feel on the day. I have a Shimano XTB ci 14000 which is a belter, an Okumo 8000, a bit heavy but solid, and a Cinettic Raycast which is like a Rolls Royce, hardly used.
I don't put anything on my muff buster ??...no corrosion yet!

I'll have a look for the ACF50....a bit like WD40?
I use ACF50 on my motorbike and no corrosion, highly recommended. Got mine via fleabay. WD 40 is not really recommended.
If it gets corroded, use plus gas or a hammer. Then order a new one :giggle:
Not personally a fan of the MK2 surfblaster, line lay was great don't get me wrong. But if you're forced to reel in and use it as a winch with a half decent fish on (I have a number of marks where you cannot stop winding or you WILL snag and lose the lot), the amount of play in the spool is worrying. It's not strong enough unfortunately.

If you are using it on clean beaches and use it correctly with a pump and wind style retrieve though you should be fine.

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