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Good guy on eBay.


Well-known member
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Oct 4, 2020
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I've been scouring the interweb for some 6mm steel rings & other bits to make some assist hooks. After an online chat with this guy yesterday, he has come up with exactly what I was looking for, at a reasonble price with good customer service. We all have a moan when things go wrong, but too often, good service goes unmentioned.
His eBay shop is worth a look for all sorts of end tackle.
Buy from him sometimes the coloured beads i didn't like so much though
Were they for you, or did you try to make a necklace for the Cat? ? ?
Screenshot_20230313-112228.pngi got a few packs of these the other day in the smallest size, I'll let you know if any good 👍
I looked at his assist hooks but ended up making my own. They cost a small fortune after sourcing all the recommend bits! Very interested to hear how his perform Trampster👍
The rings were fine, I had plenty of hooks, and purchased some cheap Kevlar cord from eBay.
Post was over 2 years ago (!) not been out much, and haven't had chance to use the assist hooks, but there is a new cunning plan in my little grey cells for them! 😁😁
Might be an idea to put a link up Si! 👍👍
Ah, an old post...trust me 😆

Lots of rings on Ali express Tramp....I'm off stinger fishing tomorrow somewhere hot, I'll see how they fair in salt water, then I'll add a link if ok 👍

Quick fiddle in the Mersey as I'm up this way for the Airport....5 dabs for my species comp 😁PXL_20230313_154313766~2.jpg
Ah, an old post...trust me 😆

Lots of rings on Ali express Tramp....I'm off stinger fishing tomorrow somewhere hot, I'll see how they fair in salt water, then I'll add a link if ok 👍

Quick fiddle in the Mersey as I'm up this way for the Airport....5 dabs for my species comp 😁View attachment 41490
Good luck with the Stingers Si !

I never use AliExpress now - I got well & truly Stingered on there! 😁😁

I got some from the link in my O/P anyway. 👍👍
Good luck with the Stingers Si !

I never use AliExpress now - I got well & truly Stingered on there! 😁😁

I got some from the link in my O/P anyway. 👍👍
Oh did you?......I've not had a problem yet 🤔.......only buy small bits and bobs mind, nothing expensive!
Ah, an old post...trust me 😆

Lots of rings on Ali express Tramp....I'm off stinger fishing tomorrow somewhere hot, I'll see how they fair in salt water, then I'll add a link if ok 👍

Quick fiddle in the Mersey as I'm up this way for the Airport....5 dabs for my species comp 😁View attachment 41490
That’s a big fish for fiddlers Si! They’ll throw you out of the Fiddling Club! 😱

Enjoy the stingers mate!
Oh did you?......I've not had a problem yet 🤔.......only buy small bits and bobs mind, nothing expensive!

Have to admit I was Green as Grass a few years ago. There was a bit of micky taking about a certain pair of shoes on another site. I fancied a pair, and after much Googling & searching, the only place I could get them was AliExpress. The shoes were great, cost me about £30, but nobody told me I'd get stung for handling fees & import duties etc to the tune of another £19.

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