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Frozen bait supplier

Jun 3, 2021
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Favourite Fishing
Any recommendations for frozen bait. The last one I used there packaging was superb but they were let down by the courier so instead of next day it took 2 and every thing was defrosted. Could happen to any supplier of course but just wondering who people use ?
Welcome to the forum mate, can’t help you with frozen bait suppliers, I’m lucky enough to be able to source the bait I need myself. If I do use frozen bait, I get ammo frozen bait from my local tackle shop
Most local tackle shops will have some sort of frozen bait, squid, sandeel and mac's. But i do use Baits r us as well, very good quality and service.

Solent baits are spot on mate, top class bait and a very large choice. Despatched that day and always delivered by 1100hrs next day and still frozen solid.
Yea the first company I used were just let down by there courier so I don't know why they just don't use a different one. They say on there site due to corvid courier could take 2 days. Shame really
Any recommendations for frozen bait. The last one I used there packaging was superb but they were let down by the courier so instead of next day it took 2 and every thing was defrosted. Could happen to any supplier of course but just wondering who people use ?
Loads on the internet and eBay.
I have just purchased some preserved bait, but poor size.
Best to try the bait shops, they are usually the best.

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