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Crimps or stop knots?

I take a length of the wire and wind it in touching tiurns on to a length of grip wire. Then chop it into 25mm coils. By the time I've tightened them up on the finished rig body (40-80lb mono) they're about 30mm long and will lock pretty damn tight if you want. Much shorter lengths for bait stops (above a sequin for worm baits or above plaice bling etc)
Silly question possibly, but where do you get your telephone wire? The bits of cable I have are just from flexible leads and the wire inside is just the soft stuff.
Telecom engineers - amazing what a well timed brew can get you, and IT junk mate
Lol, that's me stuffed then. We don't have telephone engineers here now. Sky does it all. I'll nip out and cut next door's telephone cable where it comes down the wall. :D
Telecom engineers - amazing what a well timed brew can get you, and IT junk mate
Is that the 4 or 6 core single strand cable that they use for running telephone extensions Topwater?
Silly question possibly, but where do you get your telephone wire? The bits of cable I have are just from flexible leads and the wire inside is just the soft stuff.
I ha\/e enough to last a lifetime . A lot has come from old internal extension lines in houses I ha\/e bought or from other peoples properties. My eyes are always open
Is that the 4 or 6 core single strand cable that they use for running telephone extensions Topwater?
Not entirely sure Trampster. After I was initially shown them I got my 1st batch from a BT engineer who was sat working at the green box at the end of our road. I asked him and we agreed to swap a bundle for a cup of tea and a bakewell :LOL: It lasted years despite giving most of it away. More recently my mate who's in IT sourced some for me.
For years I used crimps then tried stop knots then neoprene tubing.
Now days I use crimps for multiple snood rigs and neoprene for single snood rigs.
I like the speed of crimps for making 3 hook clip downs and only gently crimp, generally I can move them as required.
On rigs like a clip down pennell, I use neoprene tubing, if you do hook a decent cod, the tubing will move under pressure and slide down the rig body putting the weight above the fish and so less likely to snag.
I also use a neoprene stop on pulley rigs, this has improved the hook up ratio, which to be fair is pretty poor on standard pulley rig.
Silly question possibly, but where do you get your telephone wire? The bits of cable I have are just from flexible leads and the wire inside is just the soft stuff.

I use the green single strand plastic covered wire you can buy from garden centres,for wiring plants to sticks, most general merchandise stores sell the spools as well.
100 yards for about a pound, I wind it around tighten it up and apply a drop of superglue to the end futhest away from the rig beads, cheap as chips, and as I only use a rig for one session I just take it apart and dispose of the unwanted
remnants .
Holds as tightly as any crimp, and does not damage the line .

I use the green single strand plastic covered wire you can buy from garden centres,for wiring plants to sticks, most general merchandise stores sell the spools as well.
100 yards for about a pound, I wind it around tighten it up and apply a drop of superglue to the end futhest away from the rig beads, cheap as chips, and as I only use a rig for one session I just take it apart and dispose of the unwanted
remnants .
Holds as tightly as any crimp, and does not damage the line .

That’s a good idea, especially as I haven’t been able to find any telephone wire, despite going down the industrial estate for a mooch through a few skips.
Is that the 4 or 6 core single strand cable that they use for running telephone extensions Topwater?
With using a lot of telephone cable for fishing i bought some decent stuff from toolstation , 100mts just over £2o

Product Details​

• CW1308
• Solid copper conductor
• PVC insulated
• Polyethylene Terephthalate (PETP


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I've checked a few of the green boxes around by me and they all must have had bollocking because they're all spotless
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Morning all,
Just came to tie up some rigs and restock my rig winders and I’ve ran out of crimps! It got me thinking, do people prefer crimps to hold swivels/beads up the trace or stop knots? Do crimps weaken the trace body? I’m going to tie up a few with stop knots so I’ve got some traces to fish with, but I’m interested in other peoples thoughts.
just started using neoprene tubing and I've found it really good. Quick and allows the snood to be moved for a perfect hook length.

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