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Chest waders


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Jul 16, 2021
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Hi all , Can anyone recommend any chest waders and boots seems to be bit of a minefield !!??
Tried them all , i use viking chest waders now , decent boots with studs in less than £60 . A lot of chest waders are cheap and nasty with crap boots including Oceans which used to be the top of the pile


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Currently on the cheaper end Vass ones, no studs.

My experience with waders is whatever I buy or however much I spend on them, usually within a couple of years they develop a leak or crack somewhere.
Often on the boot where it flexes and no real way to fix that.

They get used for bait digging, climbing rocks sometimes and whatever else I need.
So my conclusion is to spend about £50 every couple of years or so, and treat them as a disposable commodity.
I need a new set of chesties, I left mine in my parents garage and dear ole mum chucked them in a skip during a deep clean of said garage!! I keep looking at the ones on Amazon, neroprene chesties, very reasonable prices… I’m wary of Amazon reviews though, these chesties have good reviews, but in the days of “fake reviews” can they be trusted? Do I speculate £30 odd to find out? ??
If I knew there was an expensive brand of waders that would last years I might buy them, but 2-3 years tops has been my experience with any brand.

That includes spending the best part of £100 on a couple of pairs, which didn’t any longer than the cheapies.

Mind you, some cheapies are worse than others.
If your not wading then I much prefer some guy cotton boots and a set of bib n braces. I have some henry lloyd offshore bib n braces that have a rubber gasket and velcro arrangement.... not 100% waterproof but will keep you dry if you get a wave up to ur knackers.
Just much nicer to wear..... and you don't poach your bollox when its sunny.
If your not wading then I much prefer some guy cotton boots and a set of bib n braces. I have some henry lloyd offshore bib n braces that have a rubber gasket and velcro arrangement.... not 100% waterproof but will keep you dry if you get a wave up to ur knackers.
Just much nicer to wear..... and you don't poach your bollox when its sunny.
Generally speaking I only wear waders if I know there’s a chance of going above welly depth.

And sometimes on extremely muddy marks, easier to keep the worst of it off
Have they got wet though in those 25 years . My vass ones leak my Shakespeare ones leak lol I usually just wet wade now in summer
They got proper wet on a couple of occasions when I've stepped into gulleys significantly deeper than I thought they were. They can hold a fair old amount of water.
The vass ones are noted for splitting on the boots
Exactly where my first pair went.

First pair was the "team vass 700", not bad, split at the boot somewhere after 2 years of regular use.

New set are the 740e, the fit is massive in comparison, though the thicker pvc prob makes the waders less supple. Could be the reason they feel so big.
Exactly where my first pair went.

First pair was the "team vass 700", not bad, split at the boot somewhere after 2 years of regular use.

New set are the 740e, the fit is massive in comparison, though the thicker pvc prob makes the waders less supple. Could be the reason they feel so big.
I’d say about 75% of the pairs I’ve had usually ended up splitting on the boot.
Of several different makes and price ranges
Still on a pair of vass waders (the more expensive ones) and still going strong 5 years in.

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