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Bait where from and what kinds

I forgot to add I one accidentally turned off a jam packed upright bait freezer once and never noticed till I smelt it lol oh dear oh dear that was BAAAAD. LOL.
I forgot to add I one accidentally turned off a jam packed upright bait freezer once and never noticed till I smelt it lol oh dear oh dear that was BAAAAD. LOL.
The first years we had caravan i never turned fridge freezer off just left on lowest setting after draining down for winter when we not there. The second winter must have been that cold and had power cuts. The first time back could tell the electric must had been off as the freezer had defrosted and the base inside was full off ice.
The only thing left inside was mackerel and a box of squid, started to defrost it and then it started to stink!!!!
I have been thinking about this and my bait years ago only consisted of blow lug, mussel and squid. Squid I reluctantly bought the other two I could collect myself.
In the freezer I now have tackle shop bought squid, mackerel, bluey and some sandeel. Supermarket whitebait off the cheap shelf, three launce caught by me and some rainbow trout to try out as a result of a knackered freezer so thought no point in wasting it.
No blacks and I seldom manage to dig lug, kills my back these days. Hopefully the bait pump might help that.
Strange how things change, finances mostly and time to collect, must try a bit hardrr this year.
Graham pullen uses trout in Bristol Channel works quite well apparently ?
I read somewhere that somebody had a Dogfish jump out of the fridge a full day after they had put it in there. Their nervous system can twitch a long time after they are dead apparently. :(:(
Eels go on for ages?they still twitch about in the pan even after being skinned and cut into chunks ??
have a chest freezer just for bait come winter like to have at least 400 peeler 200 cart wings 500 black lug squid & razors we buy in bulk between couple of mates add to that with what I can pick up when tides are favourable
Quick question..I thought that cart was crab innards..and was stuffed into mesh bandage..so how come people call it wings..?
Quick question..I thought that cart was crab innards..and was stuffed into mesh bandage..so how come people call it wings..?
Here is an article on it.

I was surprised reading some of the bass catches from Scotland last year loads of bigguns ... same as all fish location is the key..
from what i can gather there's a lot of average areas scattered with some real hot spots ... compared to down here where some towns you can just plot up anywhere and fish will pass with the tide ... think it's more specific up there ?
I have tried to catch Pollack ..coalies and cod etc from rock marks..but have had about twenty blanks on the trot..so I just fish surf beaches for turbo and flounders..at least I catch something.
Tell me about it, really hard to find the fish. Very different to South West. Up here there’s a two month window for Mackerel but they are still catching down in Plymouth this month.

Just have to pick your month / location / species.
Winter / west coast/ Spurdog and skate
Winter / east coast/ cod
Mid summer/ east coast/ mackerel

Boats give you more options and longer windows IF the sea conditions are good- which they are often not.

Or retreat to a fresh water loch for Pike - no season for them up here.
I got a 6ft chest freezer in the garage loaded with bins full of shark chum, blocks of squid, blocks of bluey, 5 stone of mackerel, razor, sandeel, launce, 700 blacks, 100 crab, 20 spider peelers, plus more stuff lol. gotta have bait.
The fish & gulls will be queuing up when you get out on the water.
Cover their eyes. They calm right down..... usually
Cover them with my foot? Only joking ???. Good point, but at the time wasn’t thinking straight- I was missing quality fishing time.......
I got a 6ft chest freezer in the garage loaded with bins full of shark chum, blocks of squid, blocks of bluey, 5 stone of mackerel, razor, sandeel, launce, 700 blacks, 100 crab, 20 spider peelers, plus more stuff lol. gotta have bait.
I would rather have the freezer full of fish i had caught.;);)

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