Interesting post mate thanks for sharing, regarding when you used to get in the water searching for them, did you ever see any nice bigger turbot in the shallows and did you notice a pattern to the kind of features where they'd group up? Have always wanted to do a few drifts over the alderney banks.. tight lines,
The biggest I had was on the edge of a reef in about 12ft of water. It was a 3kg fish. Nearly all the turbot I've seen are single fish and over no discernable feature, almost randomly scattered over the sand. The one thing in common between locations was the presence of sandeels there. I do know for a fact that very large turbot, well into double figures come into shallow water, water less than 20 feet deep. I know other spearfishers that have had some large fish, but that was mostly going back a few decades. Netters have also had some big turbot in trammels on shallow beaches. And most bizarre, again going back a couple of decades, when the practice was allowed, a friend of mine had a 14lb turbot on a trot (a fixed long line on the beach) on a bare stainless steel o' shauhnessy hook. Shows they like a bit of flash.
I think if I were targeting them, I'd keep moving location every cast, whether lure or bait fishing.